Our Story

As usual our story also got a nostalgic touch . The pond in our area was once a play area for we as kids long back where we learned swimming with out any trainer and a place where people met for different purpose and the interaction with this water body starts early in morning with some hard core devotees visiting nearby sivan temple .of course it was clear and full of water and was maintained by people very nicely since we, at least those who live around and used the pond maintained it well .

Gradually people start ignoring it mainly because of its reduced usability . Water  connections made people to confine to own houses , Stoppage of agricultural activities when a society upgrade to semi urban , increase in population which created the problem of garbage menace made the things worse .Gradually our bellowed mate once ,become so dry and filled with weeds and gradually start marching towards a garbage dumping area .

Few years back the pond got a breath when it was cleaned and walls strengthened by then MLA Mr Rajagopal . Even though it was not done in a scientific way it was a break through for the dying pond .  Ironically with in few weeks things started rewinding in a much faster way…weeds garbage etc etc and its seems the same  old story in remaking with a higher speed.

Its then saveapond took a step to revive and maintain the pond as a small trial or initiative by few people who still  got a feeling on small beautiful things around us . Its now almost one year and the next portion is just the journey we travelled so far to save the  pond and for those who can get a kick and endeavor into save another pond .

Avoid Problem Areas First

The nerves  or back bone of any water body is the source of water . In our case the pond used to get fed by canals l from Neyyardam and used for irrigating small farm lands in the locality . As usual the plight of our canals also not different from any such one in our state . Encroachment ,garbage dumbing , drainage opening to  canals and all sort of menace highlighting lack of civic sense from our society . If we try to get into action on this side it will be like inviting enemies  via printed invitations before taking a step . Advising or trying to solve this menace personally will make you alone in the journey and for small people its tough to withstand this .So better ignore these structural and legal constraints as its not wise  to deal with it on personal level. These sort of menace should be controlled by policies and strong actions from proper authorities who got the power to do such things .

Fortunately our pond got a good natural water bed levels as well as enough underground streams to keep it  fully fill at least in rainy season .

Spend Little  Move Step by Step

Money is always in dearth for the small . Concentrate on areas where you need to spend little in the initial days .We did regular cleaning of path ways and bunds on four sides . Cutting bushes and removing unwanted plants  which will gradually give a clean ambience .At least people will start noticing….ya yes there is a pond over there ! we continued this on regular intervals  and surely there will be few at least even now who like these sort of things and will start speaking with you surely with some advises and suggestions and it’s a good sign  to notice .

Beautification and Vegetation

Its inherent psychology of human being in general that they wont throw  garbage on a clean place . At the same time you just place a garbage some where in an open place , in few days of time you can see the friend circle of garbage keep on rising . Making the place beautiful will make sure public in general start taking care of that place .  Putting grass carpet ,Palm etc etc and  trying to set up new gen garden for the sake of making it instantly will be a wastage of money  since many of the nursery stuff is not going to survive few weeks beyond the inauguration drama unless until we care them properly and its going to be a rare one since time and money is always scarce .


There are lots of indigenous plants which will grow well without any big care . Following verities of nadan chedis   you can consider for making your pond green and beautiful .

Tree : Kanikonna , Veepu , Tree Orchid , Chempakam

Shurbs :  Chembarathi ,Maramulla, Mnadaram

Small flowering plants : Theekolli ,neelakoduveli ,kufiya etc

Grass : Nilamparanda, Karuka , Bufollow grass ,Manganari etc

The mentioned plants grow well in our hot humid climate . Chemparathi and theekolli  flower like any thing with out any major care . Just water once in a week in extreme dry conditions . with in a period of 6  months to one year you will be able to create a feast for lots of butterflies and bees .

Always remember to plant new saplings in second half of the year since our almost 6 month rainy season reduce our effort of watering such a large number . just feed them with some low cost manure like cow dung which is cheap and locally available .

Cleaning the water .

This a little  tough area to deal with, both execution wise and monetary wise and it severity depends case by case . In our case there was no drainage issues from near by houses . Dumping garbage ,throwing bottle and such other menaces gradually faded away ,might be after seeing our genuine effort to revive the pond and we should say all bad people are not actually bad . Gradually we put sign boards ,writing etc to just make them alert … hey  this is not a place to dump !

Water lilles  and other innumerable plants inside the ponds are actually  not a serious menace . They are a part of echo system and will make the water clear . we just need to control it . Floating plants like water lilly and lotus will control plants that grow under water . Putting some Green carpe and Gowrami which feeds heavily on plants also will control their abnormal growth.

Its not nice to endeavor into fish farming like things unless there is a proper drainage system as it will pollute the water body .

People Around

 Whether the pond is owned by Panchayath ya temple with out the cooperation of people around no plan is going to work out . People should understand its importance and the civic responsibility of preserving and keeping clean the souroundings . They should understand the importance of water bodies and their importance to the generation to come . Children should make aware how its going to affect their life . Seniors should come forward and set examples for kids . Even though its right that too many cooks spoil the  broth we should get in touch with local body authorities ,councilors , Residence association people etc and update our intention . when you deal with people the catch word should be be accommodative . Small hiccups will be there in the form of different opinions and ideas but gradually they will support you once they  see visible changes .


 As we already said money is a tough thing to source for small people ,Keeping the prime agenda of low cost maintenance we can easily make the required funds. Small institutions in the area , People with real interest living nearby ,and getting fund from any organizations with CSR fund etc will help to get the required money .  An one acre area pond we required seventy five thousand to one lakh in the first year and can easily a 25 to 30k per year will serve our purpose in subsequent years .

The easy way to think and act big is to start think and act small . our small aim is to save our nearby pond in our locality .If small people living around thousands of such water bodies can do their bit for their beloved pond in a very micro level we are done .           


…. So its your turn now …save another pond